All of the following information is reprinted from posts on the internet:
"Deaf Dane Rescue - Lies, Deceit, Deception and the Truth. Marc Sayer is a FRAUD who is abusing and breeding the deaf and blind “rescue” dogs in his care. He has killed innocent puppies by smothering them to death with his own hands. He has adopted dangerous dogs to families with kids and the children were attacked, some of his dogs have bitten people on their faces, and Marc has committed other crimes against animals."
Marc Sayer claims to be a Deaf Dane "rescue" but has actually bred his blind and deaf rescue Great Danes and has killed their newborn puppies by smothering them with his own hands. Marc Sayer has written many lies about GG, yet while GG has not done anything Marc Sayer has lied about,
Marc Sayer has has done so many bad things to animals it is beyond horrible! Read all about Marc Sayer - the posts you are about to read have been posted all over the internet and are public common knowledge.
As posted to the Great Dane Room, AOL, to the Dane Gang website and as sent by email all over the internet so is common public knowledge:
Deaf Dane Rescue |
Marc/Deaf Dane Rescue
This rescue warehouses dogs that are far to aggressive to ever be placed in a home. Some call this sanctuary, we call it mean.
30 plus Dogs fighting is an ugly site. Which can be seen on a daily basis, when you are dealing with that many dogs that are deaf, blind or both. Mark sent us 4 female dogs that had been bred on his property while in rescue. Marc bred Cassie and then killed 4 of her puppies, while on the phone with one of our volunteers.
Marc sent us the following Danes
We saved them from MARC!
After cleaning up 8 different messes Marc had made.......
We began to understand we weren't helping at all. Deaf-Blind Danes can find great homes in rescue with out being warehoused as a sanctuary dog.
Some times there have been 30+ dogs loose running together. Cute? Not so much....... These dog's are deaf, blind or both. It is a scary event to say the least. The dog's fight for attention in front of visitors. A rescue should never take in more dog's than it can afford to support! All rescue dog's should be altered as soon as they are able. And when a dog is too ill to be altered it should at the very least be kept seperate.
To ill to alter should mean to ill to be breeding!
This is Tiergan!
He was picked up by Marc at deaf dane rescue and brought to us! We saved him, we gave him the surgery he needed. For the record Gentle Giants Rescue was never told their dog needed help, until after the dog was transported across country!
Tiergan got infected at the Adopters' home and the Adopters could not afford to care for him. Marc convinced the Adopters NOT to return Tiergan to GG, even though GG would have taken him back and cared for him. Marc left him infected for a month while he plotted against GG and "arranged a transport." to us in Idaho. He did not get Tiergan any medical care despite the fact that Tiergan had a raging infection. He put Tiergan's life on hold for his own selfish, self-serving purposes. Tiergan became septic in that month with no care and that is why he had to lose his leg . . .
Because Tiergan was prevented from getting any care for that critical month or more by Marc Sayer, poor Tiergan never had a chance! Because of Marc Sayer, Tiergan arrived here already too late to be saved!
We as a rescue remained quiet to the politics, as by this time we were busy caring for Tiergan. But when MARC SAYER killed four innocent puppies that he bred by suffocating them with his own hands, while on the phone with the President/Founder of this rescue......... the politics seems to matter.
Some times it's just time to stand up!
Marc Sayer is a man who claims to be a Deaf Dane 'rescue' but has actually bred his blind and deaf rescue Great Danes and has killed their newborn puppies by smothering them with his own hands while joking about it on the phone with someone who was trying to save them from him!!! This man is a monster. Marc Sayer has done so many bad things to animals it is beyond horrible! Read about how he bred his blind and deaf Great Dane rescue dogs and killed the puppies ( Issue #5 Marc breeds Cassie & kills 4 puppies ) and (GGNews Message Board about Marc Sayer). Read about how someone was bitten on the face and other places by one of Marc Sayer's rescue dogs while he was there: ( Statement from the woman who was bit & Pictures ). Read about how Marc Sayer has bred other rescue dogs ( Issue #4 Angel & Remmington ).
Read about how he has adopted Aggressive dogs to families with kids and the kids were attacked and blamed the Adopters for what happened ( Issue #2 Tug / The Dangerous dog! ). Read about how Marc Sayer abused an innocent puppy for two years in his poor care where the puppy's ears were torn repeatedly by other dogs and remained torn for her duration of staying with him ( Issue #1 Chyna / Lambchop ). Read about how Marc Sayer took a Gentle Giants Rescue dog and deprived it of medical care which ultimately caused it to die and then Mark Sayer lied about it and tried to make it seem like it was GG's fault ( Issue #3 Tiergan & Gentle Giants and ). Read about how Marc Sayer held a puppy to the phone and said "Help me, ...Help me...." and the puppies were screaming as Marc Sayer killed them and while another rescuer was crying on the phone and begging Marc Sayer to let them live, but he killed them anyway: and read about how poor Cassie died too after being bitten and beaten up every day of her life and had many wounds and scars all over her face and body because of Marc Sayer: This is the kind of bad people who are lying about GG. In this case, a abusive breeder pretending to be a rescue.
As also written above and is common knowledge and has been sent all over the internet, Marc Sayer also took a dog adopted to a person named Tricia Bingham Perkins by GG and deprived the dog of medical care for a month after it got an infection in Tricia's home. This dog was adopted as Luke and renamed "Tiergan" by the adopter. You can see Luke / Tiergan's medical records below. He was examined, xrayed, neutered, updated on Rabies and determined to be in good health just days before Tricia took him home. Read again how Marc Sayer and Tricia Bingham Perkins deprived this dog Tiergan of medical care and caused him to lose his leg and ultimately die:( Issue #3 Tiergan & Gentle Giants and ). Marc Sayer used poor innocent Tiergan as a tool to try to hurt GG with lies. He wrote many lies about GG on the internet while he was depriving Tiergan of medical care as you have read in the previous posts. And here is another post stating the same facts with additional information about Marc Sayer; (read this post: The Truth about Tiergan-Tiergan died because Marc Sayer and his Adopters deprived him of medical care:)
As posted to the Great Dane room:
(click on the title below to read the post)
"The Truth about Tiergan-Tiergan died because Marc Sayer and his Adopters deprived him of medical care -
It has all been a lie from the start! You can finally see the truth, Gentle Giants rescued Tiergan and gave him wonderful care.
It has all been a lie fabricated by Marc Sayer, the same person who just bred a blind and deaf dog that was in his rescue since a little puppy and he killed four of her puppies with his own hands and he is also responsible for Tiergan's death.
Read the story at the link above. It is so horrible to think that if one person tells a lie and a bunch of people believe it and start giving it credibility, it can blow out of proportion and actually seem like the truth. That is what happened here, but it was little more than that; a big lie, a false story and a great injustice, both to Tiergan and to the great rescue group Gentle Giants that actually saved Luke/ Tiegan's life, loved and cared for him and is still mourning his loss.
This whole story was little more than a lie with the victim being this sweet loving dog Tiergan and all of us who
believed in Marc. Though we all screen as well as we can, it is sad when Adopters violate the contract and in this case with the aid of a supposed "rescue,"
this poor dog paid with his life and all of us followed Marc like sheep against a fellow rescuer who was only trying to save the life of their dog.
Because Tiergan was prevented from getting any care for that critical month or more by Marc Sayer, poor Tiergan never had a chance! Because of Marc Sayer, Tiergan arrived here already too late to be saved! His death was caused by the same man who killed those
four innocent puppies that he bred with his own hands!"
And here is another post making the same statement too on the Dane Gang website:
"This is Tiergan!
He was picked up by Marc at deaf dane rescue and brought to us! We saved him, we gave him the surgery he needed. For the record Gentle Giants Rescue was never told their dog needed help, until after the dog was transported across country!
Tiergan got infected at the Adopters' home and the Adopters could not afford to care for him. Marc convinced the Adopters NOT to return Tiergan to GG, even though GG would have taken him back and cared for him.
Marc left him infected for a month while he plotted against GG and "arranged a transport." to us in Idaho. He did not get Tiergan any medical care despite the fact that Tiergan had a raging infection. He put Tiergan's life on hold for his own selfish, self-serving purposes.
Tiergan became septic in that month with no care and that is why he had to lose his leg . . .
Because Tiergan was prevented from getting any care for that critical month or more by Marc Sayer, poor Tiergan never had a chance! Because of Marc Sayer, Tiergan arrived here already too late to be saved!
We as a rescue remained quiet to the politics, as by this time we were busy caring for Tiergan. But when MARC SAYER killed four innocent puppies that he bred by suffocating them with his own hands, while on the phone with the
President/Founder of this rescue......... the politics seems to matter."
See complete post about Tiergan here:
Now read about Tricia Bingham Perkins, Luke / Tiergan's Adopter, who helped Marc Sayer deprive Tiergan of medical care and who then lied about what happened to Tiergan all over the internet,. And you will see that Tricia Bingham Perkins has done this before - to other dogs and to her own human infant 18 month old baby, Mollie! This is also public knowlege and the information has already been posted the Great Dane Room and on AOL and sent all over the internet - see complete post: More truth - new information showing that Tiergan's Adopter Tricia Bingham Perkins may have a history of
neglect, abuse, lies, false statements and perjury that even resulted in the death of her own child.
Read about here how Tricia's husband suffocated to death her innocent 18 month old baby Mollie while Tricia was present and how Tricia went right onto an internet chat room to lie about Mollie's death and make up false stories
about how Mollie died - even before Mollie was taken to the hospital and pronounced dead! Read about what really happened to poor Mollie in the article "Marine says he held his daughter;'s face down" - see complete article:
Before attempting
to save Mollie's life, her 'mother' Tricia was lying about her and changing the story about how Mollie died by writing false information about her own baby Molllie on an internet Great Dane message board, just as she lied about GG's dog Tiergan who Marc Sayer and Tricia also abused and deprived of medical care. While Tiergan was being
deprived of medical care, Tricia Bingham Perkins and Marc Sayer were writing lies all over the internet and telling false stories that GG was responsible for Tiergan being in such bad condition when it was entirely the fault of Marc Sayer and Tricia Bingham Perkins for depriving him of any and all care at the time he became infected and as a result,
causing him to first lose his leg and then to ultimately lose his life! And all the while this was happening, Tricia was spending her time on the internet writing countless posts lying about Tiergan, just as she lied about her own baby Mollie as her baby Mollie was laying there in her home near dead or dead after being suffocated. For Tricia Bingham
Perkins, the false story she is telling seems to be much more important to her than saving the animal or child in need!!
Tricia also had abused other dogs and cats and was court-martialed for her involvement in her baby Mollie's murder and convicted of perjury with regards to lying about the murder. Read the article above about how baby Mollie
was laughing and playing and a toy chest was repeatedly put over her head - was actually held down with a foot and using the full body weight of the parent and was not taken off until 18 month old baby Mollie was in a fetal position and dead! Tricia's husband was convicted or murder and given 35 years in jail, and because of the plea bargain, Tricia was convicted
of perjury but only got 5 months in jail. Mollie is dead and will never have a life because of being suffocated to death. Tiergan the GG Dane is dead and will never have a full life because of Marc Sayer and Tricia Bingham Perkins. Read more articles and posts about Tiergan and about Tricia Bingahm Perkins that have been sent all over the internet
and are common public knowledge. Below are more articles. For some of the articles, you will need to scroll down the page to read them:
Read about Parents accused in tot's death: To read the complete article, see: Honolulu Star-Bulletin Hawaii News; Read about
Hearing tomorrow morning for Marine accused of murdering daughter: To read the complete article, see:Honolulu Star-Bulletin Hawaii News; Read about Marine says he held daughter’s face down: To read the complete article, see:; Read about Marine sentenced to confinement: To read the complete article, see: The Honolulu Advertiser | Local News; Read about Marine corporal admits perjury in murder case To read the complete article, see: By Star-Bulletin Staff Tuesday, October 17, 2000). See ALL the articles about Tricia Bingham Perkins reprinted here: Parents accused in tot's death:
Cassie was a sweet, blind and deaf 4 month old Great Dane that Marc Sayer got as a puppy to rescue and find a home, but instead Marc Sayer bred her.
And now Cassie is dead and will never have a life or the home she deserved and her innocent newborn baby puppies that Marc
Sayer intentionally bred were suffocated to death at birth by
Marc Sayer with his own two hands. This is the person
MARC SAYER that is writing to you about GG. Who would listen to a lying abusive word he says. Think about it, how many people could hold a newborn puppy in his hands and smother it to death? Not too many!!!! This is a very BAD guy!!!
Marc Sayer has started a "Watchdog" site where he pretends to watch other rescues, yet Marc Sayer is the low-life Breeder and
Dog Killer who should be watched by everyone and shut down. How comical is it that Marc Sayer should give advice to anyone
when he has broken the rules of rescue and of decency and
morals. Any Watchdog regulating rescue would bite him for his crimes against dogs including the smothering of innocent
puppies with his own hands after causing the innocent puppies' blind and deaf mother and father to be bred by him
under the guise
of being a "rescue".
As excerpted from the expose below about Marc Sayer, we find these comments to be very important:
"The posting below has been sent all over the internet about Marc Sayer. This man has bred the deaf and blind rescue dogs in
his care and has killed - suffocated - murdered at birth their innocent newborn puppies with his own hands. Marc Sayer should
be punished for his crimes against animals.
Read below what he has been doing to these poor innocent creatures of God. How could anyone smother a newborn innocent
puppy with their own hands and prevent it from taking the breath it needs to live and have a life!!!??? Read on and you will see:
Marc Sayer has bred the deaf and blind rescue dogs in his care and has killed - suffocated - murdered at birth their innocent
newborn puppies with his own hands. And he did this while on the phone with another rescuer and joked about it while the
other rescuer was crying to try to save their newborn lives.
See the post where just before smothering the puppy to death, "Marc held a puppy to the phone and said "HELP ME JEANNIE!
These puppies could have been safe and could have had wonderful lives with this other rescue he was talking with at the time
he killed them, but NO, he made sure that they were prevented from even taking a breath and he killed them while the other
rescue was begging to save them!
Here is the statement from the other rescue who was trying to save the puppies:
Marc Bred a "RESCUE" dog that he had in rescue over a year.
on 5-10-06 he culled 4 puppies while on the phone with ME personally.
He sent us the pups to cover up his dirty little secret. Marc admitted to his own animal control officer that he bred and killed 4 pups at his own hands.
Contact info for the Animal Control in Marc's area.
Mike Wellington Program Manager Lane County Animal Regulation Authority (541) 682-2370
It would seem to me that Marc has lied to all of us. And I for 1 will not die peacefully until he is stopped! It became
personal for me but then again I am the only one that heard the puppies screaming!
Everyone on these list at some point said "they were an advocate of Danes or dogs". If your proclaim it .......
you should be it ........ even if it is uncomfortable.
I do Crime Scene Clean up for a living, I have been a foster parent to 28 kids, I have been a CASA Guardian
ad Litem for 8 years and the day that
Marc held a puppy to the phone and said "HELP ME JEANNIE HELP ME" was the straw that broke my back.
At some point Marc was irresponsible!
He watched the dogs breed
He whelped a litter
He killed 4 puppies!
Jeannie Laub
(Just Hannibal's mom a white Dane)
PLEASE! don't belittle Cassie's experience! You can believe what you want about Marc......... it will however be at the expense of the Danes....
The point is Marc Bred a "RESCUE" dog that he had in rescue over a year. and then on 5-10-06 he
culled 4 puppies while on the phone with ME personally.
He sent us the pups to cover up his dirty little secret.
Marc admitted to his own animal control officer that he bred and killed 4 pups at his own hands.
Contact info for the Animal Control in Marc's area.
Mike Wellington
Program Manager
Lane County Animal Regulation Authority
(541) 682-2370
It would seem to me that Marc has lied to all of us. And I for 1 will not die peacefully until he is
stopped! It became personal for me
but then again
I am the only one that heard the puppies screaming! I am the one who took care
of Tiergan (the Gentle Giants dog
this all started over) and I am the one taking care of the puppies he bred.
Everyone on these list at some point said "they were an advocate of Danes or dogs". If your
proclaim it....... you should be it........
even if it is uncomfortable. It was hard for me to stand by and watch what Marc has done, I will
not stand any longer! I will scream
I do Crime Scene Clean up for a living, I have been a foster parent to 28 kids, I have been a
CASA Guardian ad Litem for 8
years and the day that Marc held a puppy to the phone and said "HELP ME JEANNIE HELP ME"
was the straw that broke my back.
Jeannie Laub
(Just Hannibal's mom a white Dane)
And here's more about the details of what Marc Sayer did
from the rescuer who
witnessed Marc kill the puppies
because they were white and to whom Marc Sayer
admitted many other things, including that he knew that the two dogs had bred
and that many other dogs had
gotten bred and injured in his care:
Registered: 08/02/06
Posts: 195
25/05/06 at 02.47 PM
Marc took Cassie in as a young puppy. Now she's 18 months, bred by "BO" a Harlequin male currently at Marc's "rescue"
Marc allowed 2 Danes to breed
Marc allowed a blind / deaf dog with kennel couch to whelp pups
Marc culled 4 puppies while on the phone with us
(Just because they were white)
Marc asked us to help him
We drove 500 miles each way
We had a volunteer bit in the face and arm
We had to have the dog put to sleep to be tested for Rabies
(Marc won't provide a Rabies certificate)
We had to have her put to sleep because she was so vicious as a result
of not being properly socialized while in Marc's care and also because
she was in
so many fights and her many wounds and scars show that she
was attacked often in his rescue, it was second
nature for her to bite and
that made her dangerous.
She would not have had to be put down had he not so ruined her by keeping
her with him in that terrible
environment of fighting and biting for her entire lifetime.
Her face showed the many scars.
Sadly she was never rewarded with a home of her own, because of him!
We have already lost 1 puppy and the other one is being hospitalized.
We have spent enough money covering up Marc's dirty secrets!
And here is Marc Sayer's own description of Cassie as the innocent puppy that she was when she first casmer to his "rescue." Read below and cry for poor Cassie and know that she deserved to be saved by a real rescue who would have found her a safe home where she should have been loved for life as a member of the family, not bred and caused to be beaten and killed by Marc Sayer:
Marc Sayer wrote:
Cassie: Gender- female
· Age -
· DOB - 11/20/04
· Height at the shoulder - unk
· Weight -
· Spayed/Neutered - not yet
· Taken in on - 4/24/05
· Available as of - 8/24/05
· Housebroken - working on it
· Obedience trained - not yet
· Good with other dogs - yes
- with cats - Yes
- with kids - unk
- with the elderly - unk
Temperament - Cassie is a very happy little girl at this point, the
puppy without a care in the world. She is well behaved and
very affectionate.
But she is also very vocal and demanding, as most pups this age are.
Cassie, short
for Cassandra, came to us from her breeders.
She is your typical 5 month old puppy.
Registered 08/07/06
Posts: 1
08/07/06 at 04:48 PM
That is not acceptable. He does not have anymore Danes in his power right?
I just can't believe it. |
Cassie's "breeders" sent her to Marc Sayer as a "rescue" to find her a home. We wonder what they may think about the fact that he had her for more than
a year of fights and abuse and then bred her and killed her puppies. We hope they may write to us and let us put their comments here on Marc Sayer's page
because we can't imagine that this was what they had in mind for any creature brought into this world!
These posts about Marc Sayer not only show what he has done but
asks the important question of "How did this innocent dog "Cassie",
the deaf and blind mother of these puppies that he killed, benefit
from being in his "rescue"? She came as a young and
innocent puppy herself to him and was sent for the purpose of her
finding a loving home, but instead, she spent her whole life there,
was bred and then he killed her puppies brutally and barbarically
AND NOT TO MENTION "INHUMANELY" with his own hands. She came as a happy innocent puppy herself and after spending her
whole life there and being abused and used by him, being beaten up
by other dogs just about every day, being bred by Marc Sayer, having
her puppies killed by Marc Sayer and then she
lost her life too. We again ask the important question, how did Cassie
benefit? She never found a home of her own and never was loved. We
would love to see this question answered, how did Cassie benefit from
being in the abusive care of Marc Sayer
and with this answer, comes the bigger question of shouldn't his lousy
poor excuse for a "rescue" be shut down so that no others will have to
suffer and be used and abused as poor Cassie and the many others in his
care have been used and abused by this
evil man, Marc Sayer.
*Note - Marc Sayer is trying to use in his defense that breeding "Cassie"
(who we still have not gotten the answer of how she benefited from being
in his care - since clearly we can all see that there was
NO benefit!) but Marc Sayer is now saying that breeding Cassie was an "accidental breeding". For the record, 'Rescues' are NOT allowed to have
accidental breedings. Most laws governing rescues require that non neutered
dogs are separated from the other dogs until being neutered. But,
no matter how it is examined, Marc Sayer is still LYING BIG TIME.
So, we now ask the additional questions to further expose the lies: Tell us, Marc
Sayer, when did the breeding become an accident?
Was it an accident at the time
Marc Sayer got this sweet little puppy named Cassie at 4 months old
and never spayed her for a year and a half? Or, did it become an accident
when Marc Sayer had Bo, another rescue dog in his sorry excuse for a
rescue, and did NOT neuter Bo for more than a year? Or, was it an
accident when Marc Sayer watched the two dogs breed and told another
rescue that it had happened? If Marc Sayer really was not intentionally
breeding, why did he not have Cassie spayed after he watched Bo breed
with her? Was it the 'accident' then, that Marc Sayer did not have either
one of them spayed and neutered? As you can see, it was NO ACCIDENT!
And it was certainly no accident that no matter what the other rescue said
and how they pleaded with him, it was no accident that Marc Sayer would
NOT spare the lives of Cassie's newborn white puppies, even though there
was another rescue that would take them and wanted them and was assuring
that these sweet newborn puppies would be safe for life, Marc Sayer REFUSED
to let them live. Marc Sayer murdered these sweet innocent newborn puppies
by suffocating the life out of them with his own murderous two hands at the time
they were born. He admitted this to his Animal Control and says "in his defense"
that he thought they would be blind. SO WHAT!!!!
First of all, it is also a lie!!! -
puppies are born with their eyes closed and there is no way to tell at birth if a
puppy will be blind of deaf or not! And most white puppies are NOT blind, some
are deaf - and they are just as sweet as any other puppies - and blind dogs can
have happy lives too as you can see on many websites. But you cannot tell at
birth whether they are deaf or blind or can see and hear. All puppies at birth
have an equal chance at that.
This murderer killed them without giving them
any chance. Because it was an INTENTIONAL breeding and Marc Sayer
was "In control" like most lousy breeders and he was "Culling" the puppies.
When he talked to the other rescuer on the phone he told her he was "culling
puppies on his 50th birthday." Sadly the sweet babies never made it to their
two day birthday thanks to him.
And the mother of the puppies is dead. She
should have been spayed when he got her as a puppy and found a great home. This man is a control freak who will not let any puppy go home until after
spending two years in his rotten fight and bite atmosphere poor excuse for
a "rescue." The poor mom 'Cassie " was covered with wounds and scratches.
She was fought with and beaten every day of her sad existence there and then
Marc Sayer bred her and then she died. This sorry excuse for a rescue should
be shut down to save the dogs from having to spend an average two years in
Marc Sayer's "care" when they could instead be in homes as puppies and grow
up with families. Marc Sayer has non neutered dogs interacting
and fighting and breeding and biting.
We are still trying to see how Cassie benefited and we have already proven
she did NOT and have also proven that, even if it were acceptable, which it is
NOT, this was NO accidental breeding. This was done intentionally and the
only thing that went wrong for the puppy killer breeder Marc Sayer is that
he was caught in the act! Now we all just have to sit back and figure out
what kind of punishment would be suitable for the crimes Marc Sayer has
committed. Hopefully the readers here will contact Marc Sayers's animal
control listed above and demand punishment for Marc Sayer's crimes against
Cassie and her puppies and for Marc Sayer's crimes against the concept of
rescue, which has never been breeding and killing, neither by accident nor
by intention!"
Read the full expose about Marc Sayer that is public knowledge and was sent all over
the internet, click on its title below:
"Deaf Dane Rescue - Lies, Deceit, Deception and the Truth. Marc Sayer is a FRAUD who is abusing and breeding the deaf and blind "rescue" dogs in his care. He has killed innocent puppies by smothering them to death with his own hands. He has adopted dangerous dogs to families with kids and the children were attacked, some of his dogs have bitten people on their faces, and Marc has committed other crimes against animals."