Dear Tracy and Burt,
It's been a while
since we
"Magnus" and "Mulan"
from you (back in April 05)
and everyone is doing great!
"Magnus" (Irish Wolfhound mix) decided he didn't
want to grow up, and only got a few inches taller.
We've tried figuring out what other breed(s)
he is mixed with, but it doesn't matter! He's
so cute and is an awesome fetcher/catcher!
"Mulan" (Great Dane) is also doing terrific! She is so gentle,
unless she accidentally knocks you down while "leaning" in
for more love!
"George" our Bullmastiff gets along so well with his brother
and sister, he'd definitely be lost without them!
We took our Christmas photos at our new house under
construction. The dogs are going to have so much room to play.
I hope all is well with you and your family, and just want to thank
you again for the awesome work you do, and for the wonderful new additions to our family!
Happy New Year!
Michelle, Anthony, Olivia, Madeline, and Isabella |